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HOME>最新のお知らせ>University of Tokyo, Faculty of Arts and Sciences 2017 1st semester "Friday Special Lecture for High School Students"②

University of Tokyo, Faculty of Arts and Sciences 2017 1st semester "Friday Special Lecture for High School Students"②


<DATE> May 11 (Friday) 17:30-19:00 /<Venue> Information Room 1
<Theme> Futuristic Materials: Titanium · Rare Metal ~ Dream Materials Explanation on the future potential of titanium and problems related to rare metals -

Lecturer: Professor Toru Okabe... Professor of Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Deputy Director,
Director of Research Center for Sustainable Energy and Materials

Mr. Okabe encountered rare metals when he was a student. At the time, most students did not look at rare metals. Now, he goes all around the world as a leading expert and as a researcher.
He gave lecture on the current situation and future prospects or problems of rare metals including titanium. They are indispensable to our daily lives.
Students from 37 schools attended lecture through internet. Approximately 20 students enthusiastically attended from Yokkaichi High School.
After the lecture, students asked many questions. From Yokkaichi High School, one male student asked question about processing method of titanium. He received an answer as there is no problem with processing at a current stage, however there is a problem in advanced welding.
The students seemed satisfied with the lecture with detailed explanation and the story of the front line from Professor Okabe.