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HOME>最新のお知らせ>4th SGH Large Theme English Lecture

4th SGH Large Theme English Lecture


Date: October 25 (Wed)Venue: School GymnasiumTopic: The Best Approach to Language Learning for Global AccessLecturer: Edward Scruggs, Assistant professor of Nanzan University

Annual English lecture by Professor Edward.Language skills are necessary to share global ideas when you have opportunity to discuss about history and civilization in English.In order to do that, it is important to have confidence, creative ideas and to not be shy. Students worked in pairs and experienced Greek "mass fighting method". They shouted "NIKE!" all together. Due to the fact that all the students were all English, only 61.5% of the students could understand the whole thing Only 61.5% of the students said they were able to understand whole lecturer because the lecture was held only in English. However 88% students answered such an opportunity "improves their Global perspective and ability". We would like to continue having such lectures.Professor Edward also teach in Hakunetsu English class in our school. We would like to learn English from him more.