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HOME>最新のお知らせ>"6th High School International ESD Symposium in Tokyo" and "SGH achievement national presentation"

"6th High School International ESD Symposium in Tokyo" and "SGH achievement national presentation"

Date: November 9, 2018 9:50-15:30
Venue: Bunkyo Kodo Hall in Tokyo Campus, University of Tsukuba
Four 2nd grade students from Yokkaichi High School attended ESD Symposium and SGH achievement national presentation together with other students from South East Asia and from other SGH designated school.
Students from Kasetsart University affiliated high school and University of Philippines Rural High School made presentations then after that Japanese students made poster presentations. Yokkaichi High School students made a presentation about their past activity at the Student Conference in Aug.21, 2017 at "Yokkaichi Pollution and Environmental Museum for Future Awareness". This is an SGH action leads to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) "Target 9: Build a foundation for industrial and technological innovation".
Then students were divided into five discussion sessions in ESD Symposium & All Japan SGH Meeting on topics of " SDGs and our daily life", "Post SGH", "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation" "Challenge to Poverty". Students had discussion session together with students from overseas.
[Comments from participants]
・In small discussion sessions, I realized importance of aggressiveness to discover, contemplate, share, and find solutions of issues which are familiar to us.
I was keenly realized how important it is to exchange ideas with others through presentation and discussion sessions.
・I realized that giving presentation to others deepen our understandings rather than just doing research.
・Through this poster session, I learnt importance of communication. I decided to do what I can do and keep up the interest to various issues.