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HOME>最新のお知らせ>SGH overseas field work Cambodia study tour (report)

SGH overseas field work Cambodia study tour (report)


■ Schedule:December 16 (Sunday) to December 21 (Friday) 2018 6 days 5 nights
■ Participants:12 students and 2 teacher leaders


From Chubu Centrair International Airport to Cambodia


 Departure from Chubu Centrair International Airport. Transited at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam before heading to Cambodia (Phnom Penh).


Visit to JICA Cambodia Office


 At JICA Cambodia office, Mr. Ogawa who was following up from last year and Mr. Nami Kishida from Mie Prefecture Iga City gave a briefing about the history of Cambodia and type of support from Japan.After that, we responded carefully to questions on "Infrastructure development" and "Relationship with former colonial master France" and learned about current and possible future support to Cambodia.

Visit to JMAS Cambodia Office


 This was the fifth visit since Cambodia FW was started. JMAS is an NOP organisation that engages in activities such as clearning landmines, and so on. There are two Japanese in the office, Mr. Suenaga and senior manager, Mr. Yokoyama. They gave a detailed briefing on how JMAS cleared the minefield near the border with Thailand with the local people and non-profit organizations from other countries.

Visit to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum


 The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum was a political criminal camp in Cambodia under the rule of the Khmer Rouge and traces of torture remained in schoolyards and classrooms which they utilised as torture venues. Among them was an interrogation room, a dark and narrow cell where tools used for torture, and photographs of many victims were on display. Learning about the brutal times of those days made the visitors realize that such cruel history should never be repeated again.


Visit to Cambodia Education Assistance Fund (Prey Veng Province)



 The car ride from Phnom Penh took about 2 hours. Along the way, the group crossed the "Tsubasa-bashi" constructed through JICA support, and arrived at ccc in Prey Veng Province.Following a welcomed greeting by Chairman Kong Vorn, Principle Laxer, and a few selected students, the group did self-introductions, musical-chair games and taking meals together. At the end of the interaction in the room, the group gathered at the school and handed out the donated stationery brought by the group.


 After that, we went out to the school yard and enjoyed playing a Cambodian game which is similar to 'Drop the Handkerchief" game in Japan, together. They next experienced home visit and witnessed the strict learning environment of local students. As they returned to the school, they parted with their new friends reluctantly, with the promise of friendship into the future.

Talk by our graduated student Yamaguchi.


 After returning to the hotel in the evening, Mr. Yamaguchi, our school's OB, switched from an office worker of a leading consulting company and gave the group a lecture about Cambodia on the group's request. He shared about why he started the business in Cambodia, the charm of Cambodia, and many other experiences, being a student of Yokkaichi High School ten years ago. His talks were very stimulating, and then the group had dinner together.


Tour of the ruins of Tonle Bati (Tonlebati)


 The group next visited the Tonle Bati ruins built during the Angkor dynasty. This is which is about an hour by car from Phnom Penh.It is an archaeological site consisting of two small temples, Wat Pho and Wat Ta Prohm, where fine details of the architecture were still prominent.

Killing Field Tour


 This was the execution venue for those who were tortured at
Tuol Sleng camp.Till this day, there have been constant discoveries of victim's clothes and human bones buried in the ground at Tuol Sleng camp.While listening to the explanation of the voice guide, the group was deeply empathetic with the tragic history while shocked by the incredible cruelty that happened just a few decades ago. They now embrace the notion of "Peace" more strongly.

Visit to Kurata Pepper


 The group Visited Kurata pepper run by Mr. Kurata from Tsu city, Mie Prefecture. This was the fifth visit since our first visit to Cambodia 5 years ago. The group talked about a diverse range of topics including the respect for Cambodia based on Mr. Kurata 's experience and the hints for working globally.

Visit to Library Hiroshima House


 The group visited Hiroshima House, where assistance from Japan began as a result of the Hiroshima Asian Games held in Japan for the first time this year. Living conditions in the capital, Phnom Penh are very poor, and this is totally different from the environment at Cambodia Education Assistance Fund. Because of this, GM's Mr. Tomohiro, together with local and Japanese staff, cooperate to help 50 children who could not have their primary education to attain high school graduation qualification. We could not help but think about the significance of real international cooperation from the way these people help one another.


Tour of the royal palace


 Visit to the royal palace located in the middle of Phnom Penh city and where the current king is residing. There is a beautiful building decorated with gold on a vast site and, together with the adjacent temple, the luxurious glamor emanated is breathtaking.

Visit to CJL Cambodia


 The visitors interacted with students from the Research and Education Center for Japanese Law with which Nagoya University has a partnership with.While interacting mainly using Japanese after the self-introductions by the second year students, the group interacted with the first year students using their own mother tongues. Name cards were also exchanged.


 After the facility tour with the third and fourth years students, our students exchanged information on Cambodia and their future goals over lunch. In the afternoon, the group played a young people word game that they had prepared and performed a dance,. Through these activities, they further strengthened their interactions with joy and after breakfast, the group left the university reluctantly.


 Finally, after stopping briefly by Ion Building 2 at the last minute, the group returned home safely from Cambodia airport through Vietnam on 12/21 (Friday).