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HOME>最新のお知らせ>January 16 (Mon) to 22 (Sun) Japan and Vietnam Teenage Ambassador Japan Program

January 16 (Mon) to 22 (Sun) Japan and Vietnam Teenage Ambassador Japan Program

16 high school students visited Japan from Viet Duke High School in Hanoi City, Vietnam. They paired up with 16 Japanese students in Yokkaichi High School. They had a courtesy visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a small ambassador representing both countries (Teenage Ambassador) together. They deepend their friendship with their paired Japnese sudents and experienced Japanese life style through experience of homestay and attending classes in Yokkaichi Hgigh School.
January 16 (Mon)
Introduction (Hotel East 21)
Meeting with a Vietnamese high school student who will spend a week together. They introduced themselves in English and then played mini-game in a team to deepen their friendship. In the evening, students stayed in a hotel with a paired up Vietnamese students.
January 17 (Tues)
Imperial Palace

Students enjoyed the visit. They took photos together in front of Nikkei and kusunokikou statues.
Courtesy visit to Ministry of Foreign Affairs
As a teenage and ambassador of two countries, students visited Ministry of Foreign Affairs and spoke with Mr. Kensuke Nagase a chief secretary of Southern Asian Department, South East Asia, First Division, First Section Division. Many questions were raised from students during Question & Answer time. They had a meaningful time. After the session, students gave Mr. Nagase Ise paper as a souvenir.

【 Questions from students 】
Question: What things are you aware of when you communicate with other countries?
Answer: I try to understand the position of the country. At the same time, I try to grasp the points which we can/can not cooperate / compromise and lead to consent which both side can be agreed.

Question: What do you ask for high school students who will play active role in the world ?
Answer: To be interested in the situation in the international politics, interact and communicate with people from other countries, expand the vision through various experiences.
Students visited Asakusaji and Nakamisei Street together with Vietnamese students. They tried to explain Japanese Omikuji (paper written fortune) and souvenirs to Vietnamese students in English.
Edo Tokyo Museum
In the exhibition of the living of the town of Edo and the living of Tokyo after the Meiji Restoration, the state of enjoying at the exhibition and the experience corner was seen in various places.
Welcome party at Embassy of Vietnam in Japan
Students gave a commemorative gift to Minister Nguyen Cheong Son and showed performance while presence of diet members.

Students wear Yukata and performed Japanese dance. Female students danced ”Sakura Sakura (Cherry blossoms)" and male students danced "Kuroda Bushi" In the end of the event, high school students from both counties made speech to show their appreciation.
January 20 (Friday)
School visit

Finally, long waited event of Viet Duc High School students visitation has come. It was a very cold day and snow from the past weekend still remained in the area. Vietnamese students who never saw snow were very excited.
After arrival of Vietnamese students, a welcome party was held in second period by 1st and 2nd graders. Students from both school made opening remarks. Then Yokkaichi high school students have sang choir and Kendo club member showed their performance. Viet Duc High School students performed Vietnamese pop dance.
After gifts exchange from both schools, students attended class together with their homestay paired up students.
It was a good opportunity for Yokkaichi High School students as hosts to deepen friendship with Vietnamese students and to experience being interpreters between Vietnamese students and school teachers.
Students enjoyed having lunch with their paired up students. They attended 1st graders classes such as special English class and a calligraphy class in the afternoon.
fter experiencing home room class and school cleaning, students enjoyed Japanese high school life by attending tea ceremony and martial arts in gymnasium.
Vietnamese high school students stayed with their host family and spend time with the families then after a farewell party on 20th, returned home on 21st.
Farewell Party
In March, 16 students from our school will visit Vietnam.

Initially students felt awkward, but by the time of farewell party, students cried tears and hugging each other because they did not want to leave from each other.

We believe students learned a lot through this exchange project to interact with high school students from different cultures.
We would like to thank each host family for their cooperation and 1% club members.