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Mie University International student


■ Date: January 25, 2017 (Wednesday)■ Participants: 8 Mie University International students


8 AM. Eight students from Mie University from Germany, China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand visited Yokkaichi High School as 1st grade students for one day experience under the guidance of Professor Okochi of Mie University Faculty of Humanities.
Principal Ms. Wada gave a welcome message to the students then 1st grade teacher explained on the schedule of the day.
We saw their expression of being anxious while their smile.

Attendance of Short Home Room (65min.)and Three classes

There are nine classes in 1st grade. Eight students, one student for each class, attended Short Home Room. After that, they attended classes of math, home economics, art (music) and English before noon.

4th period, Long Home Room in 5th and 6th period, Comprehensive learning time

Students had lunch together with Yokkaichi High School students in their Home Room class to deepen their relationships.
In the afternoon, international students took a class for one period then they attended an activities to learn intercultural understanding. International students were divided into three groups and interacted with all students in the school. However, one student asked help of 1st grade student who came to study from Italy since last September.

Club activity visits, experience

After school, international students observed club activities of their own interests. They visited clubs of brass band, baseball, tennis, basketball, baton , art, kendo, judo while receiving explanation of school facilities. Some of them were very interested in the Kendo club and thrilled of being able to have actual experience. They made a comment by asking their friend such as "Is there any opportunities to practice kendo in Mie University?".